Thursday, April 21, 2016

Public Speaking Competition

The day has come for my chosen blockmates to represent our section for the "Public Speaking Competition",

but before the event started,the paticipants for the contest,must undergo an elimination round,where only few will compete for the final round,so at that moment,the facilitator of the event flashed the rooms assigned for each group of contestants,and after that they went on their way for the elimination round.And that leaves the auditorium with few non-participants,which is us,oh there's no way I'm going to join those kind of events,it will definitely be a reason for me to have panic attacks and to be knocked-out cold.few minutes later,the APC speaks facilitators,prepared some activities,for us to be occupied while we're waiting for the participants to come back,actually,the first activity was fun to watch,especially,one of my blockmates was in it,I don't know I just find him really funny,and I really like witty people,they just make the world more enjoyable,
the next few activities was just downright boring,which made me feel droopy once again,if their going to have an activity or some sort,might as well make it more fun or interesting,or they could've just made us watch a movie,that would have been nice,because if I have a chance to ran off right out the door, I could have done it sooner,because it's getting pretty boring right in there,plus the prizes are freakin' underwhelming,a 3 pieces of effing "Hany" for a prize,you gotta be kidding me.After a few  hours of torment in that tiring moments,the participants finally came back,what a relieve,so there are probably like 8 chosen contestants were left to compete for the final round,two of my blockmates though,got selected,Starting off with the first speaker which is one of the person in my class,I gotta say she's pretty good with it and the content as well,but she's lacking of Boom factor,

then comes next,are those people I have no idea who they are,then Jod Gulle,which is also in my class,started to have his speech,for added information,the theme of the Public Speaking Contest was "Integrity has no need of rules",so going back to the last part where I stopped,he was really good at calturing the audience attention,like what I said I like funny and witty people and stuff,so I just find it very amusing,that I get so hooked,on every single thing that he says,with a little bit of humor in it,which keeps me watching.

then all of them was done speaking.the host declared that the results would be announced the next day,together with the speech choir ...that means,it's time to go home...I think not,we still have to practice for the competion (speech choir).

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