Thursday, April 21, 2016

Speech Choir

It has been a glorious day for ABMA 151 once again,after we won 2nd runner up in Chants and Cheers last febuary, it's better than nothing though,we got the winning streak,from logo making contest to speech choir,we won 4 trophies,can you believe that.and I hope I don't get an R on any of my subject at this semester,I'm hoping that winning four times can contribute to the salvation of my grades.I'm so proud that I'm a part of this section,filled with unique and talented people,yet so overly drived of eagerness of victory.

Like any other competitions we have been through,as always,ABMA 151,will always be very competitive,which is both a good and bad thing,but I won't get into those two sides anyway.
Starting off with the days of practice,I gotta say,I only went on few practices,because I was so tired and perplexed with all the school works that are piled around me,and I know each one of my blockmates are too,but hell mines probably the worsest,yeah,the thing about the practice days were not as hellish like what we have in Chants and Cheers,so  I'm pretty cool with it.
Heading next to the main event,which is the Speech Choir Competition,I was very skeptical and especially nervous with the outcomes,the thing is that,what if I screwed up,or one them did, then we're definitely doomed,and also the fact,that the other bocks would start tearing us apart by giving out their best shot or even trying to distract us by their facial expressions as well as whatever comes right out of their mouths.
As we waited for few moments,and watched all the participants before us,I must say,I got a bit intimidated,but I did hope and prayed that I don't mess up the whole performance.
And now that it's our turn to come up the stage,I felt my chest started to pound real hard,and I'm my tummy started to hurt,but,I just ignored it and just focused on the what's ahead,then our AVP has been played,I tried remembering all the steps in my head,as I get closer at the center of the stage,and as I slowly see faces staring at us,I tried to looking up the spotlight for comfort,I felt my whole body was involuntarily shaking,thinking it was not a good sign,especially,I right in front,but I did my best to fulfill my task,and I did,and I'm halfway through the performance.and what's running through my mind was to get this over with so I can relax,and proceed on enjoying my 1 month summer vacation....Hooray!!! for ABMA 151....and Congratulations!!!!

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