Thursday, April 21, 2016

Who wants to be a millionaire

I wonder what it feels like to be a Millionaire or probably a Billionaire in real life,having to afford the things you've been yearning your whole existence,having to own your own Mansion,and all your maserati and mini coopers all lined up in a row,and how about a lifetime supply of food and clothes or even travel the world.But I think,things like this can only be fulfilled if we put hardwork on it.

Enough me talking about being a Multi Millionaire,Honestly,I was absent the day,that this activity was held,but I'll my best to rummaged to my friends informations, so they could give me an idea, on what happend on that particular day, but if ever I was there, I would have definitely have slept throughout the event,because of boredom,I'am not fond of watching this kind of stuffs,even on TV.

So according to my Squad,our block didn't won the contest,well, at least they did their best on trying to answer whatever the questions it may be.

Speech Choir

It has been a glorious day for ABMA 151 once again,after we won 2nd runner up in Chants and Cheers last febuary, it's better than nothing though,we got the winning streak,from logo making contest to speech choir,we won 4 trophies,can you believe that.and I hope I don't get an R on any of my subject at this semester,I'm hoping that winning four times can contribute to the salvation of my grades.I'm so proud that I'm a part of this section,filled with unique and talented people,yet so overly drived of eagerness of victory.

Like any other competitions we have been through,as always,ABMA 151,will always be very competitive,which is both a good and bad thing,but I won't get into those two sides anyway.
Starting off with the days of practice,I gotta say,I only went on few practices,because I was so tired and perplexed with all the school works that are piled around me,and I know each one of my blockmates are too,but hell mines probably the worsest,yeah,the thing about the practice days were not as hellish like what we have in Chants and Cheers,so  I'm pretty cool with it.
Heading next to the main event,which is the Speech Choir Competition,I was very skeptical and especially nervous with the outcomes,the thing is that,what if I screwed up,or one them did, then we're definitely doomed,and also the fact,that the other bocks would start tearing us apart by giving out their best shot or even trying to distract us by their facial expressions as well as whatever comes right out of their mouths.
As we waited for few moments,and watched all the participants before us,I must say,I got a bit intimidated,but I did hope and prayed that I don't mess up the whole performance.
And now that it's our turn to come up the stage,I felt my chest started to pound real hard,and I'm my tummy started to hurt,but,I just ignored it and just focused on the what's ahead,then our AVP has been played,I tried remembering all the steps in my head,as I get closer at the center of the stage,and as I slowly see faces staring at us,I tried to looking up the spotlight for comfort,I felt my whole body was involuntarily shaking,thinking it was not a good sign,especially,I right in front,but I did my best to fulfill my task,and I did,and I'm halfway through the performance.and what's running through my mind was to get this over with so I can relax,and proceed on enjoying my 1 month summer vacation....Hooray!!! for ABMA 151....and Congratulations!!!!

Public Speaking Competition

The day has come for my chosen blockmates to represent our section for the "Public Speaking Competition",

but before the event started,the paticipants for the contest,must undergo an elimination round,where only few will compete for the final round,so at that moment,the facilitator of the event flashed the rooms assigned for each group of contestants,and after that they went on their way for the elimination round.And that leaves the auditorium with few non-participants,which is us,oh there's no way I'm going to join those kind of events,it will definitely be a reason for me to have panic attacks and to be knocked-out cold.few minutes later,the APC speaks facilitators,prepared some activities,for us to be occupied while we're waiting for the participants to come back,actually,the first activity was fun to watch,especially,one of my blockmates was in it,I don't know I just find him really funny,and I really like witty people,they just make the world more enjoyable,
the next few activities was just downright boring,which made me feel droopy once again,if their going to have an activity or some sort,might as well make it more fun or interesting,or they could've just made us watch a movie,that would have been nice,because if I have a chance to ran off right out the door, I could have done it sooner,because it's getting pretty boring right in there,plus the prizes are freakin' underwhelming,a 3 pieces of effing "Hany" for a prize,you gotta be kidding me.After a few  hours of torment in that tiring moments,the participants finally came back,what a relieve,so there are probably like 8 chosen contestants were left to compete for the final round,two of my blockmates though,got selected,Starting off with the first speaker which is one of the person in my class,I gotta say she's pretty good with it and the content as well,but she's lacking of Boom factor,

then comes next,are those people I have no idea who they are,then Jod Gulle,which is also in my class,started to have his speech,for added information,the theme of the Public Speaking Contest was "Integrity has no need of rules",so going back to the last part where I stopped,he was really good at calturing the audience attention,like what I said I like funny and witty people and stuff,so I just find it very amusing,that I get so hooked,on every single thing that he says,with a little bit of humor in it,which keeps me watching.

then all of them was done speaking.the host declared that the results would be announced the next day,together with the speech choir ...that means,it's time to go home...I think not,we still have to practice for the competion (speech choir).

SOMA float

Last 30th of March,the day when our floats was judge according to it's aesthetic and meaning.the Theme for our SOMA week is "Philippine Mythology".

First of all,we have encountered so much hardships in the process,like,we have planned and brain stormed each and every detail for a better outcome.

Second is that the basement 3 was a pretty much a Hell hole,the whole place was so far below,that everytime I was down there,I feel like I'm going to pass out any minute,less air is entering the area,but what could we do,it's the only place we're allowed to make our humongous paper molded floats.the first few weeks where allotted for the planning and chilling,and then of course the coming  weeks after that was just excruciating,dealing with the soul sucking environment,and all the difficulties in the process,

it was fun at some point,because I get to hang with my other blockmates,that I don't usually talk to,but it's some casual conversation and nothing special,more like small talks perhaps,and things wouldn't be complete without some hardships,this kind of moments are just so inevitable,that you'll get anxious each and everytime,not to worry,added to that is having to get home late,which I don't really like.seeing our float, and others as well,is making me conscious,Honestly,because even at the beginning,I'm having a feeling that we don't stand a chance with other groups' aesthetic standards with regards of their floats,plus,I didn't wanna expect too much,because I know after the event is over, our paper mached artwork would end up in the trashcan (definitely in the junkyard),after we have almost finished our floats,we took turns on who's going to work on our "masterpiece" and the performance.

 There's just this one irregular fag,that I find her so freakin' bossy and hypocritical,that it pisses me off,she keeps on scolding on so many things,yet,she even does the things she mentions,she even make rules,but ofcourse she's also one of those who's breaking it,how annoying is that, I hope I never get to see her again,because she's making my blood boil,that freakin' fag with wide hips (there I said it!!!)...heading next,with the main event, SOMA week, I wasn't excited at all, in fact I was already looking forward on going home (which is always what I do),because I know the results will be very dissappointing, and yeah! I was right,we didn't won anything, but instead we just made fun of ourselves, and realizing that this event is nonesense,especially, if the one's facilitating this kind of activity, is a scumbag, and just took off with all the "goodies" ever since...if you know what I mean.

Benjamin Alvez's Birthday

Last 18th of March,an actor from GMA  network clebrated his birthday in our school,and he was Benjamin Alves.Before,I have no idea who he was,until I've watch an indie film which he's in,entitled "Sana Dati" (by the way,you should watch it,it's a pretty good film),at first,I didn't know why we didn't have our last subject (Expository Writing),well it's a good thing though...who wouldn't one of our subject to be cancelled,definitely not me.So going back with the main topic,me and my squad went to MPH1 which is located at ground floor,near the school clinic.I didn't like the concept of going to birthday parties,except for the free foods,and then we waited for the event to start,while I'm at it,I silently observed the place,I saw different varieties of cakes which has his face on it,and it came from his sponsors.So my mind began to wonder on what he would look like,is he going to be 10 times hotter in actual (eventhough I'm not fond of watching TV,since I got my tablet and wifi to keep me occupied)or nah.And after all the waiting,Benjamin Alves finally came,and guess what,he's ridiculously HAWT!!! (Slang word for Hot),I never thought my heart would felt something weird,like a teenage girl fangirling from the inside,and I never thought I would go nuts (kind of,but not that much)for a local actor,

since my crushes are all foreign,I was like a dog,following his every move with my eyes (sounds weird right,it's a girl thing),staring at him feels like I'm on cloud 9,I don't know he just simply mesmerized me with his looks,build and his attractive smile,I felt like I'm going to melt.Then came the time when few students where expected to present at a slam poetry contest,I have to be honest,that made me felt real bored and sleepy.not until it's time to eat,well,the food is just....meh,baked macaroni and a slice of sandwich,after that he entertained few questions from the students,well,some of my blockmates grabbed the oppurtunity to ask him about stuffs,and he even gave the girls a peck on the cheeks (slightly jealous),other thing is that,I thought he's going to have a dance number,which I was expecting,sadly,he didn't,but instead he shared a poem about a girl...and then,he gave out some souvenirs like caps and stuffs,

which I decided not to get,because it'll definitely end up lying somewhere around in our house.Lastly,me and my squad got the chance to take a picture with was a fun day for me so far.

Paddington Movie

Honestly, I never had the chance to watch this CGI based kind of movie,because I have no time nor the interest to watch it,espcially if it's a kid friendly film,which I already lost the heart to even pay attention.I now get easily unamused and bored  (it's an Adult thing kicking in). But for the sake of this blog. I'll try to watch it....if i got the time...however,for now I'll just rummaged through wikipedia for the movie plot, and I'll do my best to give you an insight of the story...for those people who doesn't like Spoilers,better turn away,while you still got the time.

Paddington is a 2014 British live action/CGI family comedy film directed by Paul King and written by Hamish Mcoll.
The following content below was taken from Wikipedia:

 In the deep jungles of darkest Peru, a British geographer named Montgomery Clyde happens upon a previously unknown species of bear. He is about to shoot it to take back a specimen to England when another bear playfully takes his gun away. He learns that this family of bears is intelligent and can learn English, and that they have a deep appetite for marmalade. He names them Lucy and Pastuzo. As he departs, he throws his hat to Pastuzo and tells the bears that they are always welcome should they wish to go to London.

Years later, the two bears are living in harmony with their nephew when an earthquake strikes their home, forcing them to seek shelter underground. Distracted and upset at the loss of his home, Pastuzo is unable to reach the shelter in time. He disappears, with his hat being found the next day by his nephew. Aunt Lucy encourages her nephew to go and find solace in London, and stows him away on a cargo ship, after which she says she will move into the Home for Retired Bears.

The young bear reaches London, but he fails to find a home. He is taken in briefly by the Brown family, who name him after Paddington Station, where they found him. Henry Brown, a devoted risk analyst, is adamant that Paddington stay only one night while they find a place for him to live permanently. Paddington causes a series of accidents across the house, further isolating himself from the Browns.

Paddington thinks he can find a home with the explorer who found his aunt and uncle, but does not know the explorer's name. Mary Brown takes Paddington to an antique shop owner who discovers that the hat bears the stamp of the Geographers Guild, but the Guild says that it never sent a member to explore darkest Peru. With the help of Mr. Brown, Paddington infiltrates the Geographers Guild archives and discovers an expedition to Peru was undertaken by Montgomery Clyde. He uses the city's phone books to track the addresses of all the "M Clyde"s in London.

Meanwhile, a sadistic museum taxidermist named Millicent Clyde captures, kills, and stuffs exotic animals to house in the Natural History Museum. When she becomes aware of Paddington, she immediately sets out to hunt him down. The Brown family departs for the day, leaving Paddington home alone. Scheming with the Browns' nosy neighbour Mr. Curry, Millicent sneaks in and attempts to capture Paddington; he inadvertently repels her, but burns the kitchen in the process. Oblivious to Paddington's statement of Millicent's capture attempt, the Browns state that he must move into a new house as soon as possible.

Feeling unwanted at the Browns, Paddington leaves and attempts to track Montgomery Clyde himself. He finally locates the house, only to discover that Clyde died many years ago, and that Millicent is actually his daughter – who resents her father for losing his job and membership with the museum; out of a change of heart, he refused to bring a valuable Peruvian bear specimen home, even though it would have made him the wealthiest man in the world. Millicent is determined to succeed where her father failed and become rich and famous herself. She tranquilises Paddington and prepares to stuff him, but when Mr. Curry discovers her true intentions, he informs the Brown family and they rush to save Paddington. They rescue him, and Paddington subdues Millice

Kat's Movie Review: Sana Dati

"Sana Dati" (English: If only) is a 2013 Filipino romantic drama film written and directed by Jerrold Tarog.

The film is about a woman named Andrea Gonzaga (Lovi Poe) who's set to be married on that same day,yet she doesn't seem to care about it, that is why she took a really long time before she can even make up her mind, and the worst part is that she made her guests wait for more than an hour.And the reason why she did that is because she does not love the guy named  Robert Naval (TJ Trinidad)she's about to marry.

 On the other hand she actually met another guy named Dennis Cesario (Paulo Avelino) whose job is to cover her wedding ceremony, which reminded her of someone she used to love. Well coincidently,Dennis is related to the guy named Andrew Cesario (Benjamin Alvez),it's because Andrew is the older brother of Dennis,then came the back story where it all started.

Andrea met Andrew at a wedding,where Andrew is the videographer,then Andrea approached him and they began to talk about camera stuffs,and at that same moment, Robert seems to be jealous with it.After that,the scenes then transitions to those part when Andrea and Andrew are now dating,it's kinda sweet,though I can't relate at some point,because i never had been in a relationship,because of course that is not what i have in mind,so going back to the story,it has been a tragic moment for Andrea, because the time they went on a trip to visit their flower, Andrew suddenly collapsed inside his car,well of course just like anybody else that has health issues,he died,

 That is why,when Andrea met Dennis,she wanted to get away with him,to escape her wedding,but sadly, Dennis does not want to ruin, a very sacred ceremony,so instead of doing what Andrea demands of him,he decided to leave without her awareness.

And so Andrea felt so broken,she cried so much.And then times gone by,she had finally learned yo moved on.