Monday, February 8, 2016

Japanese Movies...Awesomely weird!!!!

Our English professor Ms. Eliz, surprised us with something on the 2nd  day of class…Movie Time!!!!
I’m pretty much sure that she’s going to be my most  favorite English professor ever so far.

Let’s jumped into the movie review…
So while I was just sitting there clueless about what we’ll watch, the first thing that came into my mind that it will be just some another educational movie about English and whatnot…but then I was wrong…a very subtle yet intriguing intro came before my eyes, and a very familiar language (though I can’t understand it) sounded my ears…

then I realize it was a Japanese film, based on what I’ve observed Japanese films are quite weird and confusing, yet, I find it a bit creative, as we all know Japanese people are known for being the best in coming up with something incredibly innovative…they’re also the ones who originally created Animè.
This movie, Parasyte actually came from a Manga  series, then became an Anime series and now a Live action.

At first everything was all ok until everything started to be cringe worthy, gory, and disgusting…and I began to feel very uncomfortable on every scene, the effects are quite underrated though the textures and the way it was  executed is so disturbing, but overall the story was great, and the action scenes were so intense that it’ll put you at the edge of your seat.
The characters played their roles very well, that you’ll get carried away every time they have a strong scene to fulfill. I kind of like the main character and the other Antagonist guy (The Tall guy, he’s cute), they got some pretty cool charisma, that is why I got very intrigue on what will happen next, There are parts that will leave you guessing,

and parts that will bring tears to your eyes, especially when the protagonist’s mother died, and he had to kill her, by decapitating it’s head.
The movie was quite good, it has some elements from the Animè version (though I haven’t watched it, but I just happened to googled it), it has cliff hanger, so I’m a bit upset. Still hoping to watch the part 2 and beyond.

♡♡♡ I Love Japan ♡♡♡

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